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Relativity E-discovery Software Consulting & Services

Technology & Services

FTI Technology is an industry-leading Relativity managed service provider, Gold Provider Partner, Silver Distributor Partner and early adopter of RelativityOne. FTI offers the scale and global infrastructure required to meet the e-discovery technology and service needs of the world's most prominent legal teams. Our Relativity-centric services range from in-house Relativity implementation to full-service outsourced managed review. As an Advisor Partner, we offer a full suite of services to ensure client success with their direct RelativityOne subscription.

FTI Consulting Relativity partnerships

In-House Relativity Services

Working with FTI maximizes your return-on-investment with Relativity to optimize internal e-discovery, legal hold, and investigation capabilities. From the support of an existing instance to new implementation, our experts partner with your legal team to integrate with existing infrastructure, customize for your organization, and support adoption internally. We can help your legal team with:

Platform data migration

Platform Data Migration

FTI assists legal teams, from start to finish, in upgrading to RelativityOne. Our Relativity certified approach to migration includes creating migration plans and managing the transfer of applications and scripts. Should exceptions occur in transferring files at any stage of the process, FTI has the technical expertise to remedy— ensuring a complete migration.

Software integration


Organizational adoption of software is greatly impacted by successful integration with existing infrastructure. FTI ensures Relativity's integration with supporting and adjacent systems to allow for a seamless user experience and steady data flow.

Technology customization


The e-discovery technology landscape continues to evolve. FTI keeps your legal team ahead of the innovation curve by continually evaluating, adding, and where needed, developing technologies and applications to maintain technological efficiency with Relativity.

RelativityOne deployment


When releasing a new instance or transitioning to RelativityOne, FTI can help support user assimilation and adoption through virtual training, workflow consultation and documentation. To realize the full value and return of Relativity, user satisfaction is vital - FTI can help you achieve this.

Workflow development

Workflow Development

FTI partners with your legal team to develop custom workflows tailored for your unique business needs, including the use of advanced analytics and technology-assisted review. Our approach works within program parameters to facilitate standardized procedures and templates, implement best practices, and document final workflows that integrate seamlessly with your in-house counsel.

Managed Relativity E-Discovery Services

When needed, FTI's experts are on-the-ready to engage on matters that exceed internal bandwidth, expertise, or geographical reach. FTI's Relativity managed services have consistently delivered the high-quality and predictable results corporations and law firm's demand. Our outsourced services and expertise include:

Managed document review

Managed Document Review

FTI offers on-demand e-discovery managed review that helps to scale matters on a just-in-time basis with bandwidth and expertise. FTI's experts, backed by Relativity's award-winning software, offer legal teams a proven outsourced review solution that delivers predictable performance and results. Learn more »

Cross-border collections and investigations

Cross Border

Safely and defensibly, FTI Technology professionals can quickly deploy anywhere in the world to conduct a complete investigation, from collection through analysis and production, on-site at a company location. Clients benefit from FTI's extensive experience managing global matters, including in-country cultural awareness, discrete processes that do not interrupt the regular course of business and multi-lingual capabilities. Learn more »

Second requests and SIRs

Second Requests and SIRs.

With the foundation of more than 100 successful merger deals, FTI is a tested and proven guide through the anti-trust investigation process. We have specialized experts worldwide who bring hands-on experience negotiating with regulatory bodies in the U.S., Canada and EMEA. Our vetted playbook incorporates leading-edge technology, like Relativity, workflows and the flexibility and ingenuity of our teams. Learn more »

Emerging data sources

Emerging Data Sources

As the workforce grows increasingly remote, the use and adoption of cloud-based communication and collaboration applications like Slack, Zoom and Teams have accelerated. FTI provides the workflows needed to augment existing capabilities for direct connection to cloud data and conversion into review-friendly formats. Learn more »

Find facts fast

Find Facts Fast

Our team of dedicated researchers, combined with Relativity's advanced analytics technology, can quickly unearth key facts and data sets to enable timely and strategic decisions in investigations or litigation. Learn more »

Our Experts

United States

Wendy King

Wendy King

Senior Managing Director
Daryl Teshima

Daryl Teshima

Senior Managing Director

United Kingdom

Glenn Barden

Glenn Barden

Managing Director
Jon Chan

Jon Chan

Senior Managing Director


Uday Sodhi

Uday Sodhi

Managing Director


Scott Gillard

Scott Gillard

Senior Director

Hong Kong & Shanghai, China

Sandeep Jadav

Sandeep Jadav

Senior Managing Director